Integrity policy

Personuppgifterna som vi samlar in om dig och behandlar kan komma från Asian market webbplats samt sociala medier så som våra appar, elektronisk post, SMS och andra elektroniska meddelanden, medlemskap hos oss, samtal till kundtjänst, butiker, tryckta och digitala registration sblanketter för till exempel tävlingar , kampanjer, evenemang m.m. Även från allmänt tillgänglig information från sociala nätverk och andra publika källor.

Med hänvisning till lag avser vi nedan Dataskyddsförordningen, GDPR, och annan gällande svensk dataskyddslagstiftning.

We collect this information


We collect personal contact information such as social security number, name, postal address, email address, information on social networks or telephone numbers. It may also be other information needed to give you access to your specific account profile, such as login name/email address, screen name, irreversible passwords or security questions and answers, and demographic information such as date of birth and geographic location (for example, zip code address).

Where applicable, Asian Market processes your social security number in order to ensure your identity, verify your BankID and update your postal address so that, among other things, bonus checks do not end up in the wrong hands.

Technical information

Information about the technical equipment you use to connect to our website, such as the IP address of your computer or device, type of operating system, and browser type and version. If you connect to our website or app using a smartphone or other mobile device, we may also collect information about your phone’s unique ID, advertising ID, geographic location, and similar data.

Information about website usage

When you visit or interact with our websites, including our chat function, shopping, or newsletter, we use automatic data collection technology to collect certain information about your activities. This includes information about which links you click, which pages or content you view and for how long, as well as other similar information and statistics about your visits, such as response times to content, file download errors and length of visits to certain pages. This information is collected automatically with the help of cookies (browser cookies, flash cookies) and web beacons, as well as with the help of third-party tracking services. Read more under Customize your personal data and Cookies/similar technologies.

Consumer feedback

Information that you voluntarily provide us about your experiences with our products and services.

Consumer content and information in social networks

Content that you create and then share with us by uploading it to our website or apps on social networks such as Facebook. It can be photographs, videos, personal stories or other things. We may collect and publish Consumer Content in connection with a wide range of activities, including contests and other promotions, online community and consumer activities, and participation in third-party social networks.

Payment details and financial information

This applies to all information that we need to complete an order or that you use to make a purchase, such as payment or credit card details (cardholder name, card number, expiry date) or other forms of payment. We ourselves do not have access to bank details such as credit card details, but they are handled by affiliated bank providers. Regardless of the method, we handle payment information and financial data in a way that complies with applicable laws and standards such as PCI DSS.

Order fulfillment

We use your personal data to process and deliver your orders, inform you about the status of your order, check addresses, verify your identity and other fraud prevention activities. This means that we use certain personal contact details and payment information.

Legal basis: Fulfillment of contract

Customer service

When responding to inquiries and other matters, we usually collect the contact details and information (such as order status, technical issues, questions or complaints about products, general questions) that we need to resolve the matter.

Legal basis: Fulfillment of contract (customer issues) and legitimate interest (other)

Competitions, marketing and other promotions
We use your personal data to provide you with information about goods or services (such as marketing materials, promotions or offers). This can be through e-mail, advertisements, SMS and postal mailings to the extent permitted by current legislation. This use of your personal data for marketing purposes may also be subject to so-called profiling. Some of our campaigns may be conducted on third party websites and/or in social networks.

Social networks

In order to send you advertisements and communicate with you in social networks, we use your personal data when you interact with functions of third-party social networks, such as “like” functions. You can find out more about those features and what profile information we may collect about you, plus how to avoid disclosing that information by reading the social network’s privacy policy.

Legal basis: Legitimate interest (non-member) and fulfillment of membership agreement (member)

Member of Asian Market

If you are a member of Asian Market, we use your personal data to create and manage member accounts, e.g. to grant authorization to log in, ensure the member’s identity, provide the opportunity to follow order history, save settings, register and calculate bonus points, administer bonus checks, analyze your behavior to use as a basis for providing you with targeted and relevant marketing offers, benefits and discounts , product information, invitations to events, etc., so-called profiling.

Legal basis: Fulfillment of membership agreement

This is how your personal data is protected

Storage time

In accordance with current legislation, we only use your personal data for as long as is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which your personal data was collected or to comply with applicable legal requirements.

Persons who have access to your personal data

Your personal data is only processed by authorized personnel in the performance of their duties and depending on the purposes for which your personal data has been collected (customer service personnel have, among other things, access to your data in the customer register).

Actions in operational environments

We store your personal data in operating environments that use appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access. We follow reasonable standards for the protection of personal data. Transmission of information via the Internet is unfortunately not completely secure. Should we discover a breach of privacy, Asian Market will notify the Swedish Data Protection Authority and the affected customers where required by law.

Actions by you

It is important that you also participate in keeping your personal data safe and secure. For example, consider choosing a password that is difficult for others to figure out. Never reveal the password to anyone. You are responsible for keeping your password confidential and for all use of your account. If you use a shared or public computer, you must ensure that your user data is not saved on the computer. Be sure to log out of the account every time you leave the computer. Also, use the privacy settings or controls we provide on our website or in our app.

Change and deletion of personal data and data portability

In the manner and limited to what is prescribed by law, you can request the removal, correction or change of your personal data, refuse to process your personal data, limit the use and disclosure of personal data, have the personal data you provided to us transferred (ported) and revoke any consent to the processing of your personal data. Please note that in some cases we cannot delete your personal data without simultaneously deleting your user account. We may be required to retain some of your personal data after you request deletion to comply with our legal or contractual obligations. It may also be permitted by applicable law for us to retain certain personal data to meet our business needs. Our registered customers must be able to verify their identity (for example, login name/email address, password) before they can access their account information and make changes. This helps us prevent unauthorized access to your account. Please note that all information provided to us is processed in accordance with current legislation and to the extent permitted by law.

Amendments and Complaints

Changes/adjustments to the policy

Asian Market has the right to make changes to the privacy policy. If any significant changes are made to the privacy policy, we will inform about this.


If you believe that we are processing your personal data in violation of current regulations, please contact us as soon as possible. You have the opportunity to turn to the Swedish Data Protection Authority if you have a complaint about our processing of personal data.

Contact us

If you have questions or would like to leave comments on the policy and our privacy practices, contact us at